Lal Bagh, Ranakpur - The Nature Resort
Lal Bagh The Nature Resort is a beautiful resort nestled in the unexplored nature of majestic Aravalli hills in Ranakpur, offering you a unique experience in the wilderness of nature. Enjoy the stay at Lal Bagh with wide variety of luscious vegetarian dishes prepared fresh in our restaurant, beat the heat in swimming pool or rain dance or indulge yourself in other activities like horse riding, indoor games etc.
Our Resort is a one of Historical Biggest Nature Resort in Ranakpur where Thousands of Trees, Plants & Flowers in Resort you feel every time butterfly & Insect sound in our nature resort, You Seen Every Walk New Way New Nature New Buildings New Trees And Flowers, you Never end You Do Not Complete Your Journey in Day Because Many Gardens And Many More Nature Around Long Distance.

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